“Asthma attacks can be reduced by 27%” Results of AstraZeneca combination therapy phase 3 clinical trial

AstraZeneca combination therapy phase 3 clinical trial

A clinical trial result showed that asthma attacks were dramatically reduced when albuterol (ingredient name), a drug taken by asthma patients, and budesonide (ingredient name), administered by inhaler, were used together for treatment.

This is from the results of the phase 3 clinical trial (test name: MANDALA) for the asthma treatment of AstraZeneca, a multinational pharmaceutical company.

According to the study, the combination therapy of albuterol and busonide reduced the number of symptomatic asthma attacks, including sudden dyspnea, wheezing (wheezing and growling), and cough.

Albuterol relieves asthma attacks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the airways (hidden) and is used for immediate asthma relief.

Also, budesonide is a corticosteroid (a type of corticosteroid) drug that is sucked through the nose.

When asthma patients have seizures, they are often taken to the emergency room or hospitalized, and in severe cases, they can even lead to death.

“The results of this study represent a paradigm shift in asthma treatment,” said Professor Reynold Panettieri, Rutgers University School of Medicine, Rutgers University School of Medicine, lead author of the clinical trial study. said

The research team conducted a Phase 3 clinical trial study on more than 3,000 asthmatics at 295 test centers across the United States, Europe, and South America.

This is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a combination therapy using AstraZeneca’s albuterol and budesonide together for moderate-to-severe asthma patients.

Albuterol is a fast-acting beta-2 agonist that binds to a very small protein called the ‘beta receptor’ in the airways and acts to relax the muscles.

Budesonide, a corticosteroid (a type of corticosteroid) drug, reduces swelling and irritation of the airways.

Standard ‘maintenance’ treatment involves administration of an inhaled drug that combines two drugs: a long-acting beta2 agonist such as beclomethasone and a corticosteroid such as beclomethasone.

When a patient has an asthma attack, an emergency medication such as albuterol is usually used. Sometimes oral steroids are prescribed. However, doctors are cautious about prescribing oral steroids because of the serious side effects.

The research team divided the patients into three groups and conducted a clinical trial. With many patients already on daily asthma maintenance therapy, participants in the group received one of three rescue therapies in case of an asthma attack.

The experimental group consisted of a group receiving a combination of albuterol and high-dose budesonide and a group receiving a combination of albuterol and low-dose budesonide. In addition, the control group received only albuterol.

Clinical trial results showed that asthma patients treated with albuterol and budesonide had improved lung function and fewer heart attacks.

Patients who took albuterol in combination with high-dose budesonide had a 27% reduction in the risk of short-term asthma attacks and a 24% reduction in the number of asthma attacks per year.

It has also been shown that this combination therapy can reduce the use of corticosteroids, which can cause side effects, by up to 33%.

“Patients can often receive more medications by inhaler when they have sudden asthma attacks, which reduces the number of asthma attacks and reduces the need to take oral steroids after attacks,” the research team said.

According to the Asthma Allergy Foundation (AAF), approximately 25 million adults and children in the United States suffer from asthma. In addition, according to the 2019 National Health Statistics in Korea, the prevalence of asthma over the age of 19 is 3.2%, and the prevalence of asthma over the age of 65 is 5.0%.

The results of this study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and introduced by the American health and medicine media ‘MedicalXpress’.

Source: kormedi.com

5 Foods That Can Help Manage Asthma Symptoms

5 Foods That Can Help Manage Asthma Symptoms


Asthma, a common respiratory condition affecting millions worldwide, often requires careful management and lifestyle adjustments. Among various strategies, diet plays a crucial role. In this post, we’ll explore 5 foods that can help manage asthma symptoms, offering a blend of nutritional benefits and respiratory support.

The Role of Diet in Asthma Management

Before diving into the specific foods, it’s important to understand how diet impacts asthma. Certain foods can reduce inflammation, a key factor in asthma attacks, and others can boost the immune system, decreasing the likelihood of respiratory infections.

1. Fatty Fish: A Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption can help reduce airway inflammation and improve lung function.

2. Apples: An Antioxidant Powerhouse

Apples are high in flavonoids and vitamin C, both potent antioxidants. Studies suggest that regular apple consumption may be linked to a lower risk of asthma and improved lung function.

3. Ginger: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, can be a great addition to an asthma-friendly diet. It may help relax airway muscles and reduce airway inflammation.

4. Spinach: Loaded with Magnesium

Spinach is an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that plays a role in relaxing bronchial muscles. Adequate magnesium intake can help manage asthma symptoms.

5. Yogurt: Probiotics for Respiratory Health

Yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. A healthy gut can lead to a stronger immune system, reducing the frequency of respiratory infections that can trigger asthma attacks.

Incorporating These Foods into Your Diet

Adopting a diet rich in these foods can be a step towards better asthma management. Consider consulting with a nutritionist or healthcare provider for personalized advice.


Q1: Can diet alone control asthma symptoms? A1: While diet plays a significant role, it should be part of a broader asthma management plan that includes medication and lifestyle changes.

Q2: Are there any foods to avoid for asthma patients? A2: Some people with asthma may need to avoid food allergens or foods that trigger histamine release, like aged cheeses and processed meats.

Q2: How quickly can diet impact asthma symptoms? A3: The impact of dietary changes can vary. Some people might notice improvements within weeks, while for others it might take longer.

Q4: Is it safe to try these dietary changes without consulting a doctor? A4: It’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially if you have a chronic condition like asthma.

Q5: Can children with asthma benefit from these foods? A5: Yes, these foods can be beneficial for children with asthma, but it’s important to consider age-appropriate portions and potential allergies.

Incorporating these five foods into your diet can be a beneficial part of managing asthma. Remember, a balanced approach combining diet, medication, and lifestyle changes is key to effective asthma management.

Asthma | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Asthma | Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

People with asthma often think that they are different from the other and cut off themselves from the normal fun and excitement of life. If you have asthma, look at it as just another challenge of life.

Since it is not your fault that you have this disorder, you do not have to be embarrassed about being an asthma patient. There is no cure for Asthma but it can be controlled if addressed properly and an effective asthma management program can enhance a person’s quality of life to a considerable extent.

If adequately controlled, the children born with asthma can live a normal life and if controlled inadequate manner, it does not stop your child from even pursuing his career in sports. An effective asthma management plan starts with understanding the major aspects of this disease, how to avoid the causes that trigger off the Asthma attack and what to do in an emergency situation.

It is a disease commonly found in the kids, teens as well as in adults. The air passages in our lungs are made up of thousands of tiny tubes that perform the duty of bringing the air in and out of the lungs. Asthma is actually the condition in which these air passages in the lungs are affected causing the airways of lungs becoming tightened and the lungs do not receive enough air to breathe.

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Asthma-Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

How many people live with asthma?

Unfortunately, more and more people are seriously affected by this condition, regardless of age. Worldwide, one in twenty individuals suffers from asthma. Among children, the figures are even worse, because one in ten is affected.

Use asthma information to better understand your disease

Suffering from asthma attacks will never be easy to handle. It must be considered to have the worst day of your life when attacks occur. Do not despair, every problem there is a solution, and with the technology right now, every disease has a cure.

For beginners, it is best to know everything about asthma. Knowledge is power, the more you know about asthma the better you understand it and thus, you will find out the cure for this. This is a website that helps you to know if you have asthma or not, learn about the types and symptoms of asthma, as well as about the most modern and proven methods of treating this ailment.

Be very cautious about every information that you get online. Not all information is reliable as stated in some asthma fact sheets. One way to search asthma fact sheets is from reputable medical recourses.

Check asthma


Why do I need this information?

As asthma education and knowledge improve, we are beginning to realize that the over-cleanliness of some modern environments may in fact do more harm than good. If a young child is exposed to a foreign body at an early age, the immune system can develop a resistance to it. If not, there remains the possibility of that unwanted intruder doing far more damage in the future. A classic example with asthma is cat and dog allergens, where the exposure early on in childhood actually decreases the chance of asthma developing.

Having a better education into the causes and aggravating factors of asthma help you to manage the condition better. While a physician can prescribe a necessary corticosteroid drug to be taken in through an inhaler every time you suffer an attack, they cannot help you to avoid the conditions which may trigger one in the first place. You can play your part by watching when attacks develop and trying to find any common factors which may apply. If you notice, for example, that you suffer most attacks while you are at home relaxing, there is a good chance that dust mites are causing the attacks. Change your furniture or make sure the room is cleaner.

The device is quite simple

Doses are numbered in aluminum packages and opened right in front of the direct inhalation. As a result, the amount of medication each time in the same direction and spray evenly. So Advair inhaler has become an accepted standard.

This Salmeterol in combination with Fluticasone gives a stunning effect immediately, the attack disappears instantly. But this action does not end there. The drug continues you to treat. The main time to take the next portion.

1. Advair Diskus

All you have to do is not to forget to put Advair Diskus in the bag. And then on a long trip (both during movement and at rest), you will always be protected. Advair dosage suggests its use twice a day. The maximum recommended dosage Advair Diskus is 500/50 with a twelve-hour break.

We can only recommend buying Advair Diskus online or Advair generic for the best price. Don’t need a prescription and unnecessary red tape. Just buy and get the order the next day.

Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) is well established as a means of drug delivery forms. These Inhalers are always ready to use, so the attack does not catch you by surprise. Learn more about “Advair Diskus“.

2. Ventolin HFA Inhaler

One of the greatest large used medications is Albuterol i.e. Ventolin HFA Inhaler. This prescription medication is used to decrease the frequency of the attacks. Ventolin or Albuterol is extremely potent and there are many patients, who have gone for some days without an attack.

Ventolin Aerosol is an oral medicine that contains Albuterol and is used to manage symptoms of asthma such as gasp and shortness of breath. The medicine is prescribed to patients to determine with chronic obstructive pulmonary illness and to manage asthma attacks. Ventolin dosage for adults: the average initial dose of Albuterol administered by inhalation with a nebulizer is 2.5 mg, but can be increased to 5 mg. Inhalations can be repeated 4 times/day.

Children aged 4 to 11 years: the average dose is 2.5 mg, but can be increased to 5 mg.

Every patient who has been guided to use this pharmacy should gather real details about it prior to commencing treatment. While Ventolin Albuterol is extensively obtainable, not all drugstores stock the branded one; however, you can purchase Ventolin generic medication from many-a-drugstores as well as online. Learn more about “Ventolin HFA Inhaler“.

3. Symbicort

Symbicort is a medicine commonly used for the prevention of asthma attacks. This medication is available in an inhaler so patients can use it easily. Doctors recommend daily use of the Symbicort inhaler depending of course on other asthma medication that was previously used to prevent asthma attacks. The severity of asthma is very important in the Symbicort dosage. It is often prescribed if another long-term maintenance treatment of asthma has been proven unsuccessful. Typically, doctors instruct asthma patients to allow 12 hours between doses. The maximum daily dose is 2 inhales. Do not exceed this recommended dosage and rinse your mouth after use.

The cost of Symbicort inhalation is around $250. Symbicort price is depending on the pharmacy you visit. You can buy a patented medicine or get the official Symbicort generic with a good discount and bonuses when buying medicine in bulk. Learn more about “Symbicort“.

Knowing what triggers an asthma attack

Many types of testing are available to determine a particular person’s asthma triggers. Medical doctors will suggest blood and skin (scratch) testing. These tests have been the standard tests available for decades. Just remember that the medical frame-of-reference is that there is no cure. So, for decades, they are doing the same things and not searching outside their diagnostic manuals for any results other than what is in those books.

There are many factors that encourage asthma symptoms. These factors are called “triggers”. When the patient is exposed to a trigger, the air passages respond in a negative way to become narrower, swollen or inflamed. These results in the obstruction of airflow through the lungs; this leads to the difficulties of breathing. Some common causes for asthma attacks are found right at your homes like the mold and dust mites. Many children develop inflammation in air passage due to contact with cats and dog hairs or even cockroaches. Air pollution and passive smoking are two of the most important triggers of asthma both in children and adults. Many people also develop an allergy to foods, respiratory infections, and exercise.

What are the options?

Homeopathic, naturopathic, and other alternative practitioners are less restricted in their beliefs, so they are often searching outside the standard techniques & paradigms for solutions for their clients. They may use other processes like hair, muscle, and voice testing. Many of these alternative practitioners work to find permanent, non-medical solutions for their clients.

Top paths to conquer asthma

One of the leaders of this trend is Advair Diskus since 2001.

Time goes on and people continue to trust the tested drugs in the fight against asthma and chronic lung disease.

Types of asthma in child cases

Recent studies have shown that asthma is a problem of modern times, and more people get affected by it every day. The most exposed to this health difficulty are children, who can develop the classical or the allergic form of the disease. Asthma in child cases seems to have a hereditary predisposition to the disease and the diagnosis depends on the medical history of a family. If the parents or grandparents suffered from it, it is very likely that asthma shows up in the child and the child’s siblings too. Very often mistaken for a simple cold or infection of the respiratory ways, asthma in child cases is the most difficult to diagnose. Doctors usually need a period of observation together with serious medical investigations to accurately diagnose it.

How can childhood asthma be treated?

There are two ways to deal with asthma, by alleviating the symptoms during a crisis or by preventing a crisis. The latter form of treatment consists of the daily administration of some pills which keep the airways from swelling, whereas the former is taken only in crisis moments. The first aid medicine is in fact a quick dilator of the airways that opens up the tightened tubes and stops the swelling. In the cases of allergies, such swelling is triggered by the reaction of the immune system when the body enters into direct contact with an allergen. The kind of treatment prescribed for your child is the medical practitioner’s responsibility. So, you can see your medical, homeopathic, or naturopathic doctor for advice, techniques, and treatments.

Giving yourself the right asthma education can also help you to avoid wasting money on alleged remedies that have no effect. There have been many natural substances that have been touted as having a positive effect on an asthmatic body, but few have stood up to scrutiny by the scientific establishment. That is not to say that living a healthy life and eating more naturally will not help, it may well do because it will lessen the need to burn off calories strenuously and will keep your body calmer. Just don’t believe everything you read as you build up your asthma education.

Gangnam Lip Cafe

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2Runbest.net is affiliated with about 20 lip cafe shops in Seoul, and various establishments are continuously being added, so please visit and take a lot of information~

Gangnam lip cafe recommended restaurant list

1. Gangnam Lip Cafe ‘Triple’
▂▅▇█▓⭐️❤️Newly open❤️⭐️▓█▇▅▂ ✨All Korean✨ All in their early 20s ❤️Internal ZERO shop challenge ✨ ❤️Inquiries welcome❤️✨ ▂▅▇█

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✅ Meet all Korean sisters in their early and mid-20s, who are guaranteed to come. Triple Lip Cafe will do its best for you to run without an injury.

✅ Please visit our business with confidence to prevent infection and safety of our customers and employees. Stop Corona!

Reservation is from OP2Runbest.net 《Office Star》

✅ Near Seolleung Station Exit 5, the detailed location will be explained at the time of reservation.

✅ The above keywords are quoted from the business profile, and you can check detailed information and information about working older sisters in the business profile.

2. Gangnam Lip Cafe ‘Chilchil & 77’
❤️100% live-action update❤️ ❤️⭐️NF rush to work ⭐️❤️ ❤️⭐️Lip meeting ⭐️❤️ ❤️⭐️Super luxurious facility + Waku ⭐️❤️❤️

✅ OPEN am 10: 00 am to 06: 00

#Seoul Lip Cafe #Gangnam Lip Cafe #Luxury Facilities #Spa Shower Facility #Gangnam Road Shop #Special Emperor Course #2:1 #3:1 #Choose #Stockings Event #All Body Fishnet Stockings Event #Blue Dragon #Handle #Lips #69 #reverse #NF rush to work #waku guarantee #Bambi #OP2Runbest.net

✅ A spa with shower facilities, are you uncomfortable with only wet wipes? Take a clean shower and enjoy with a refreshing feeling.

✅ Is 1 person not enough? So how about the two of you? not enough? So how about the three? All possible. Special Emperor Course for you 2:1 & 3:1

✅ Upgraded version of stocking service, all-body mesh stocking option service, special option for you who like mesh!! Fall into the mesh and fall!

Reservation is from OP2Runbest.net 《Office Star》

✅ Near Gangnam Station Exit 1, the detailed location will be explained at the time of reservation.

✅ The above keywords are quoted from the business profile, and you can check detailed information and information about working older sisters in the business profile.

Gangnam Lip Cafe
3. Jamsil Lip Cafe ‘Flex Lip Cafe’
[Jamsil-Flex] *100% unedited live-action ※ ❤️ Full of love ❤️ No internal injuries ❤️ No.1 PLAY in the domestic lip industry ❤️ Recruiting a lot of NF ❤️ ❤️ Holy Land of Joy ❤️ Fully equipped parking lot

✅ OPEN am 10: 00 am to 05: 00

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✅ A-D courses, from inexpensive basic course services for launch only to full-service courses excluding inserts

✅ Special E course, 2 to 1 service for you who are not satisfied with one service. (However, it is not possible during peak times)

✅ Juldal’s holy land, more than just a lip cafe. Even if it’s not rib, there are various courses, so don’t hesitate to visit!

Reservation is from OP2Runbest.net 《Office Star》

✅ Near Jamsilsaenae Station Exit 4, Songpa-gu, the detailed location will be explained at the time of reservation.

✅ The above keywords are quoted from the business profile, and you can check detailed information and information about working older sisters in the business profile.


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